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How to Beat Costs with Job Costing and CRM Software!

The Job Costing and Syncing Your Accounting Information to the CRM Software!

Every business owner knows the struggle: a never-ending pile of estimates, invoices, and receipts. It is sufficient to drive you up the wall! But what if there was a way to manage all that paperwork and gain valuable insights about your business finances simultaneously?

In the roofing business, where every project is unique, tracking costs accurately is crucial. But spreadsheets can be a nightmare—messy, prone to errors, and a major time suck.

There is a better way! This blog post will introduce you to a winning combination for any roofing business: job costing and a Customer Relationship Management system (CRM).

What is Job Costing for Roofing and Construction Contractors?

Imagine job costing as a detailed blueprint for your roofing projects. It tracks every single expense, from materials and labor to equipment rentals and even that fancy new hammer you “needed” (we have all been there!).

By meticulously tracking costs, you get a clear picture of your profitability on each project. No more flying blind – you will have hard data to make informed decisions about pricing, materials, and staffing.


The Magic of Integration: CRM + Job Costing

Imagine this: you are creating a quote for a new roof in your CRM. Here’s the magic part: your CRM can be connected to your job costing software! This means all those costs you meticulously tracked in your job costing system? They can be automatically pulled into the quote in your CRM, saving you tons of time and ensuring accuracy.

CRM: More Than Just a Fancy Contact List

A CRM is much more than just a place to store customer names and numbers. It helps you manage your entire customer journey, from the initial inquiry to a happy homeowner with a leak-free roof. By syncing your accounting information with your CRM, you can see which projects are bringing in the most profit. This allows you to focus on what works and adjust your sales strategy for even greater success.

Run a Smarter Business

Running a roofing business is about more than just hammering nails (or fixing leaky roofs!). By combining job costing and a CRM, you gain valuable insights, streamline your workflow, and ultimately build a stronger, more profitable company.


Ready to revolutionize your roofing business?

We can help! Book a free discovery call today to learn more about how job costing and CRM can bring control to your Roofing and Construction business.

If you have further questions or are interested in working with us, please contact us anytime at, or you can visit our website At Clientric, our goal is to help you decrease the chaos in your business, so you can gain more control and focus on what really matters.

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