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Navigating the Tech Wave: Insights from RoofCON 2023

We’re back from the tech-filled wonderland that was RoofCON 2023 in sunny Orlando, Florida. Today, let’s unpack the biggest tech takeaways from this remarkable experience.


Tech Evolution in Roofing:

RoofCON 2023 revealed a seismic shift in the roofing industry’s approach to technology. What was once a non-tech-focused domain is now a thriving tech hub. This transformation, while exciting, has led to a surge in companies offering similar services, making the market more competitive than ever.


Navigating the Tech Landscape:

The abundance of tech options can be overwhelming. To make informed choices, start by clarifying your business goals and process flow. Define your non-negotiables, ensuring that the tools you choose align seamlessly with your unique needs.


Tools for Every Business:

The tech landscape showcased at RoofCON is diverse. No matter your budget, needs, or goals, there’s a tool for you. We’ve encountered incredible companies with supportive teams genuinely invested in seeing your roofing business thrive.


Recommendations for Research:

1. Goal Clarity: Clearly define your goals and processes before diving into tech research.

2. Identify non-negotiables: Ensure your chosen tools align with your business needs and priorities.

3. Explore Demos: Take advantage of demo offerings to get a hands-on feel for different tools.

4. Community Insights: Join roofing Facebook groups to gather feedback and recommendations.

Book a free consultation with our team for personalized insights and recommendations.

RoofCON 2023 showcased not just a plethora of tech solutions but also a vibrant community eager to embrace the future. Whether you’re a seasoned contractor or just stepping into the roofing arena, understanding the evolving tech landscape is crucial.

Thank you for joining us today. If you have questions or want to share your tech experiences in the roofing industry, drop your thoughts in the comments. Subscribe to the Clientric YouTube Channel and stay updated on our latest content. Remember, at Clientric CRM Consulting, we’re committed to helping you navigate the tech wave, not just selling you tech.

If you have further questions or are interested in working with us, please contact us anytime at, or you can visit our website At Clientric, our goal is to help you decrease the chaos in your business so you can gain more control and focus on what really matters.

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